As of now there is no official sign up process! All you have to do is follow our instagram to stay up to date with all of our events and activities as this is where we’ll be posting all the information. Scan the QR code to access it. 

We are in the process of starting our email Listserv right now so if you are interested in receiving weekly emails about club events, let us know by filling out this google form: this link!

All of the above! Boulder and sport, both indoors and out! In the fall, we host several outdoors trips to places outside of Montreal such as Val David to take people outdoor bouldering and ropes climbing. No experience is necessary! Our main goal is to increase accessibility of climbing as a sport so as long as you are passionate about learning how to climb that’s all we ask! We will post any updates on trips, signups, and important information to our Instagram as soon as we have something planned, so keep a look out!

Amazing! Our main goal is to increase accessibility of climbing and introduce the sport to as many people as possible. No experience is necessary to attend our events, simply come to the ones which sound interesting to you. And what’s really great, is we have some sweet deals with gyms that if it’s your first time ever climbing we may be able to get you a free pass so that you can try it out for the day before committing to the sport!

We are in the process of figuring out where to set up as our “home gym.” Currently we are in the midst of conversations with different gyms to try and set of some sweet deals which might make climbing cheaper fo McGill Climbing Members. 

Most of our members tend to climb at Cafe Bloc. This gym is the closest to campus and is where we host a majority of our Social Sunday events however, we are trying to host events at a variety of events at gyms all around Montreal to show our members all the amazing gyms this city has to offer. Many members also climb at Allez Up, because they offer both rope climbing and bouldering and have 3 locations (which means 3 for the price of 1!). BlocShop is another great option with 3 locations as well, but is only bouldering.

We host both social and climbing events throughout the week. Every week or every other week, we like to host a beginner friendly “Social Sunday” climbing event, usually at Cafe Bloc. We also like to host smaller “member led” climbing events on weekdays where a couple of our members will get together at different gyms to session together.

Additionally, we like to host social events where our members can get to know each other and meet new climbing partners, such as social picnics, mario kart tournaments, movie nights, tie dye, etc.

For gym events, you’ll need your own shoes and harness (if rope climbing) although these can be rented from the gyms if needed. For our outdoor trips, we are able to provide all gear necessary to run the trip smoothly.

While there is no fee associated with joining the club or attending our events, you are responsible for paying your own day passes or membership fees to gyms or shoe rentals, etc. However, we have some deals where if it’s your first time ever climbing at Cafe Bloc we may be able to get you a free pass. Our outdoor trips have the fees associated with the trip, aka paying for gas, food, etc.

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